Tesla Graphics Engine Documentation (January 2012)
EngineValue Enumeration
Enumeration for engine-defined values.
Declaration Syntax
public enum EngineValue
Member Description
WorldMatrix World matrix to transform vertices in model space to world space.
ViewMatrix View matrix to transform vertices in world space to view space.
ProjectionMatrix Projection matrix to transform vertices in view space to clip/projection space.
WorldViewMatrix Concatenated World-View matrix.
ViewProjectionMatrix Concatenated View-Projection matrix
WorldViewProjection Concatenated World-View-Projection matrix.
WorldInverseTranspose Transpose of the World Inverse matrix. Used to correctly transform normals of geometry with non-uniform scaling for lighting.
WorldMatrixInverse Inverse of the world matrix, which takes a vertex from world space back to model space.
ViewMatrixInverse Inverse of the view matrix, which takes a vertex from view space to world space.
ProjectionMatrixInverse Inverse of the view matrix, which takes a vertex from projection space to view space.
Viewport Dimensions of the currently active viewport, represented by a Vector4. X = Viewport.X, Y = Viewport.U, Z = Viewport.Width, W = Viewport.Height.
Resolution Resolution of the viewport, represented by a Vector2. X = Width, Y = Height.
FrustumNearFar Near and Far values of the view frustum of the currently active camera, represented by a Vector2. X = Near, Y = Far.
AspectRatio Aspect ratio, float value equal to Width/Height of the currently active camera's viewport. (float)
CameraPosition Position of the currently active camera in world space. (Vector3)
CameraDirection Direction (Forward) of the currently active camera. (Vector3)
CameraRight Right vector of the currently active camera. (Vector3)
CameraUp Up vector of the currently active camera. (Vector3)
Time Total time in seconds since the application was started (or since the game timer was set). (float)
TimePerFrame Time in seconds since the last frame was rendered. (float)
FrameRate Frames per second, which is the inverse of time per frame. (float)
RandomFloat Next random float from the engine's random value stream, between 0.0f and 1.0f.
RandomInt Next random int from the engine's random value stream.

Assembly: Tesla (Module: Tesla) Version: (