Tesla Graphics Engine Documentation (January 2012)
GetBackBufferData<(Of <(<'T>)>)> Method (subimage, data, startIndex, elementCount)
TeslaTesla.Direct3D10.Graphics.ImplementationD3D10SwapChainImplementationGetBackBufferData<(Of <<'(T>)>>)(Nullable<(Of <<'(Rectangle>)>>), array<T>[]()[][], Int32, Int32)
Gets the back buffer data.
Declaration Syntax
public override void GetBackBufferData<T>(
	Nullable<Rectangle> subimage,
	T[] data,
	int startIndex,
	int elementCount
where T : struct, new()
Generic Template Parameters
subimage (Nullable<(Of <(<'Rectangle>)>)>)
The rectangle representing the sub-image. Null value means to grab the whole back buffer.
data (array<T>[]()[][])
The data.
startIndex (Int32)
The starting index in the array.
elementCount (Int32)
The number of eleemnts to read

Assembly: Tesla.Direct3D10 (Module: Tesla.Direct3D10) Version: (