Just saying hello

Community Forums Engine Development Just saying hello

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Starnick 10 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #451

    Abe Hamade

    Cheers Starnick! Hope all is well. Its been awhile since there has been any updates. Just wanted to drop by and see how things were going.



    Good timing. Last two days I’ve been evaluating whether or not I’m going to switch off of Googlecode since that service kind has burned me with disabling downloads. In that potential move I’ve been learning about Git and have been deciding whether to go with BitBucket or GitHub. Right now leaning on BitBucket, and I’m kind of itching to actually get the v2 codebase out there in the wild. It’s been more than “far too long”.

    The grand plan of finishing the port from the old engine codebase never really fully materialized due to time constraints. The last few months in what spare time I do have has been spent on greatly expanding the size and scope of the Bounding Volume API (following an effort to greatly expand the size and scope of the Math library last fall), and that led to an effort on geometry generation for visualization. The old shapes API was hard wired with how meshes were designed and also didn’t support a lot of shapes or advanced features like tessellation for most shapes. The v2 codebase now supports a generic “Geometry Generator” API that treats each shape just as a provider to an algorithm to create the primitives and returning data to be used elsewhere, rather than being a container for the data. Also this new shapes API has a better focus on tessellation (no more hardcoded low-res teapots…)

    And in addition to generators, also am working on primitive batching – E.g. DirectXTK’s “PrimitiveBatch” that is similar to XNA’s SpriteBatch but functions like the old DrawUserPrimitives. So the idea is being able to support a wide amount of dynamic geometry drawing without being tied to specific mesh implementations. We’re talking about boxes, spheres, capsules, pyramids, planes, torii, cylinders (robust enough to make cones, tetrahedrons, and octahedrons), Utah teapots, and soon geospheres.

    At this point v2 of the engine is more Math library than graphics library at the moment. That kind of has been the style of development really in the last year and a half. Focus on a lot of little different modules on topics that I find interesting, such as general math, collision and intersection, geometry, etc. The engine is mostly a conglomerate of small libraries at this point loosely tied together. I prefer it that way, since while all this work is purely for myself, anyone who may use it probably will maximize their use of the engine as they can just take and use the portions they need.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by  Starnick.
    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by  Starnick.




    Went with BitBucket. Excuse the mess and some key incompleteness.


    Abe Hamade

    I had to LOL when I read your post. I was just going thru the kind of dilemma myself. Except, I currently use TF for projects and it is such a pain to deal with I spent the last week determining what option I would have that would be better. Mind you, mine is all localized source control since it work related. I don’t really care for SVN, which is why I went with TF to begin with. Then I was reading about GIT and found the concept to be amazing–a local SVN with remote merging/push. So when I am on the road at a clients workplace, I get full Source Control locally, and when the job is complete, and I am back at the office, I just push the release to GIT. The only downside I have found so far is the integration into VS is only mediocre. Also, having a Windows based GIT server is limited in options. I think BB is a solid choice. Its UI is one of the best I have seen. I wish I could run that server locally for my employers source control.


    I look forward to checking out v2 of the Tesla! I am very excited to see all the great things you have done to it. Thanks for all your efforts Starnick :)





    At work we use P4 which is very SVN like. I do find the visual studio integration for Git (at least the official one that runs off the TF browser) to be a bit bare bones but it seems good enough.  I ended up creating the repository using BitBucket’s desktop UI (SourceTree) which is very snazzy. The VS plugin is good enough for visual cues adding/modifying files and then pushing/pulling.


    Well anyways, enjoy. Be sure to report any bugs on the issue tracker (I know there must be a lot lurking in the math library). If something looks incomplete though, it probably is. Not quite yet at the point where everything will work out of the box like XNA with minimal effort.

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