I haven't written much in the last 3 weeks, almost entirely because I've been super busy at work. To the point where my days and weeks are kind of blending together while I work on awesome stuff :). Also, I'm putting the Friday Features on an extended leave until September. But I've managed to eke ... Continue Reading
Introduction to the Content Pipeline
Time for another Friday Feature! Oddly, it feels like these weeks are slowly getting shorter and shorter. But I doth protest too much, because today I got a spot of great news that is entirely off scope :). Also, I'm happy to say that Wordpress 3.6 has finally been released and the website is no ... Continue Reading
Shader Resources and Render Targets
So last week I established a general overview of how the graphics system is organized and major tenants of its design. One major aspect is how each graphic object is considered a “feature” that is supported by the render system. With that idea in hand, we can see how an implementation is built from s ... Continue Reading
I thought it would be instructive to give a sort of roadmap of where I'm heading in the development. I'm probably not going to hit the "late summer" release of the code as I hoped, it's looking to be more like September. Code-metric wise, I have about 1/5 of the old engine ported (and redesigned), ... Continue Reading
General Overview of the Graphics Engine
The Engine Core Before I dive into the graphics system, I feel it’s important to talk a bit about the general organization of the engine core, which the render system is only one component of. It’s the most important component of course, but it fits snugly into an overall design that componentizes e ... Continue Reading
Friday Feature: DataBuffers
[Author's Note: Look ma! Posted it on time...well almost...its 20 minutes to midnight :)]. Today's Friday Feature is bit of an addendum to last week's. So I left on how the engine has an interesting interop mechanism that focused on working with unmanaged memory and generics (RawBuffer). This is ... Continue Reading
Friday Feature: In The Beginning… Tesla.Interop
Allow me to introduce the Friday Feature (yes I know, it is Sunday - I'm late!). Every week, on Friday (or around the weekend), I will try and push myself to write up something about the next incarnation of the engine - Tesla Engine v2. Fancy right? This is the first such in the series and I thought ... Continue Reading